We hope to hold another open day in the future…
This is what we had to say about our previous open days:
At The Party Frock we love to try and involve the local community by holding open days to show you all what our sewing classes are all about. We held a fab exhibition of our students work, fabric de-stash sale, haberdashery stall, free prize draw, student competition that was voted in on the day, craft stalls at our pre-Christmas event, demonstrations of sewing techniques, free downloadable PDF for attendees of a selected technique if you signed up for our newsletter (this is how we send you the PDF) and of course tea and cake!

Exhibition and Student Competition
We have some very talented students who love to show what they have created, so we had lots of their work on display at all of our open days. The student competition in 2019 sat along side the exhibition and featured items students created during their classes and was anonymously voted on by visitors on the day. The competition winner received £20 off their next course. The comeptition was won by Julie Wilson.
Tea and cake
Cake will be provided by the amazing Mrs Jacko bakes.
There will be several demonstrations of sewing techniques during the event. A timetable for this will be available very soon, and will include sewing techniques and a festive quick sew project which will be the available PDF if you sign up to our mailing list on the day or are an existing member.
Course sign up
Course timetables will be available on the day for everyone to take away with them, you can also book on to courses on the day with enrolment forms there ready to fill in. Deposits can be paid by cash, card or cheque on the day, or bank transfer/paypal after the event, all info will be provided.
There is a car park at the village hall with lots of space, and also plenty of street parking.